CompuPic Pro 6.23

posted under , , , , , , , , , , , by darkmanable
CompuPic Pro 6.0 is the fastest, easiest to use digital content
Version 6.0 is unmatched in speed…faster than ACDSee and faster than ThumbsPlus. Visually browse and view over 70 file formats.
Make quick adjustments with image editing functions.
Write your own Picture CDs.
Share online with e-mail, web pages and online photo sharing.
Batch convert, make slide shows and more. Version 6.0 adds video, complete ZIP support * Add high quality borders to your photos instantly.
* Enhance images with over a dozen effects, including mosaic, twirl, despeckle, median cut, wave, emboss, buttonize and more.
* Publish pictures online with customized web pages. Use the included themes or write your own custom templates.
* Create Photodex PictureCDsTM, including viewing software.
* Prepare images with Advanced Batch Conversions…perform actions like Auto-Correct, crop, resize, text and image watermarking, and more to any number of images at once.



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