Adobe Fireworks CS3 9.0.1188

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Adobe Fireworks CS3 9.0.1188

Adobe Fireworks CS3 9.0.1188

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Accelerate web design and development with Adobe?® Fireworks?® CS3 software, the ideal tool for creating and optimizing images for the web and rapidly prototyping websites and web applications. Fireworks CS3 offers the flexibility to edit both vector and bitmap images, a common library of prebuilt assets, and timesaving integration with Adobe Photoshop?® CS3, Adobe Illustrator?® CS3, Adobe Dreamweaver?® CS3, and Adobe Flash?® CS3 software. Mock up designs quickly in Fireworks, or leverage other assets from Illustrator, Photoshop, and Flash. Then move directly into Dreamweaver CS3 for easy development and deployment.

Reasons to upgrade with new features:

??? New Mac and Windows?® OS support
??? Adobe Photoshop?® and Illustrator?® integration
??? Hierarchical layer organization
??? Intelligent scaling
??? Multipage support
??? RIA layout prototyping
??? Customizable assets
??? Photoshop blend modes
??? Adobe Bridge integration
??? Adobe Flash?® and Dreamweaver?® integration

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